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- Could it be Food Addiction?
- James “Jimmy” Moss-Solomon: His Thoughts, Ideas & Perspectives: A Book Review
- The Myth of “Normal” and our health & well-being
- Kelly Does Greece: THE FOOD!
- Keto Caribbean Christmas Dinner: Yes We Can! Updated Edition
- Kelly Does Greece: My Week in Paradise! Part 2.
- Kelly Does Greece! A Dream Come True
- Hey Supply Manager: Are you ok?
- My Winning Keto Meal!
- And now for something NEW: Keto in GREEK, the PIE edition!
- Keto Worked for Me, but I’ve Fallen Off & Can’t Get Back On!
- Your Supermarket Deli Makes Keto Easier! Here’s how.
- Wellness: Keto is a strategy. There are other strategies too.
- Food Cravings & Emotional Eating: Practical Approaches for WINNING: Part 2
- Are Cravings & A Snacking Habit Getting the better of You? Part 1
- What do the ones who win with Keto have in common? 8 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS FOR WINNING WITH KETO
- A Tale of Two Keto Cheaters: Weight Loss Stories we can learn from
- Life in the Time of Covid, Jamaica Style. Update 3
- She Lost 78 Pounds and she’s 68! LaRonda’s story.
- 3 Mindset Traps that are sabotaging your weight-loss journey
- The Case for Constitutional Reform: thoughts from a 16 yo in Jamaica
- Of death, Life, growing old and Family: Reflections on Aunt Phyll
- Life In The Time of COVID Jamaica style: AN UPDATE
- Life in the time of COVID Jamaica Style: A snapshot.
- Creamy Callaloo Coconut Soup: Keto Comfort
- Why aren’t you working from home right now? Life in the time of COVID.
- Meaningless Guaranteed Standards: My Interaction with JPSCo Ltd.
- Public Transport Woes in 2020 Jamaica
- Weight Loss on Keto & A Life Brought into Alignment: Naki’s Story.
- Buy Jamaican, Eat Jamaican, even on Keto! My favourite Jamaican keto products.
- New Year Resolutions: Beyond Hype, More than Hope
- Keto Turned me into a Baker!
- Meal Prep for Keto Made Easy! Tips and hacks for even non-cooks.
- Three Reasons Why Keto Is Not Working for You & How to Turn it Around.
- “Lest We Find Gold” A book review
- A First Class Honours Degree: The Back Story
- Road Trip to Portland, Jamaica: Goblin Hill & Swift River
- 5 Ways my Relationship with Food Changed on Keto
- Jah B’s Place, Blue Mtns: Our Get-Away with a Difference
- Sprinter, The Movie. A Review.
- Hidden Beauty: Our River Adventure in Jamaica!
- Cheating on Keto: Bad idea or nah?
- Road Trip While Keto: Our Day in Treasure Beach, Jamaica
- FLOW Jamaica: PR & Marketing Shell. Nothing more.
- Keto Caribbean Style? Yes we can!
- What about snacking on keto?
- Advice for Securing Justice in a Domestic Abuse situation in Jamaica
- 10 Tips for Staying Keto in a Non-Keto Household
- Downtown Kingston: Artsy Capital of Jamaica.
- Keeping Keto Simple: The 4 things that guarantee success.
- The Keto Diet & Recovery After A Stroke
- “My New Normal: Reflections of a Stroke Survivor” A book review.
- How I Changed 5 Habits in order to Lose Weight on the Keto Diet
- Options for eating keto on-the-go in Jamaica
- I love sugar! How can I be happy while keto?
- Innovation, Customer Service & Business: A Jamaican Story.
- The Secret to Her Success: Keto is only a part of Tanya’s weight loss story
- Hey Lady: Struggling with weight gain in middle age? The keto diet may help!
- Can The Keto Diet Help My Depression?
- Life Lessons from Birdie: Another study in Livity.
- Alzheimer’s, aka Diabetes Type 3! Could keto help?
- Getting Back on the Keto Track in 4 Easy Steps
- Kids and Keto
- It’s the most wonderful time of the year…but not to all of us!
- She Ran Her First Marathon at 58: A Study in Livity
- Fact or Fiction: Keto is an expensive diet. Spoiler alert: IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE
- Keto Caribbean Christmas Dinner: YES we can!
- Food: Medicine OR Weapon? *it’s complicated*
- You don’t have to exercise, but you should. How to (easily) build a habit.
- Could the keto diet be the answer to PCOS?
- Don’t Sabotage Your Keto Journey by Too Many Changes All at Once.
- Jamaican Callaloo & Keto: Quiche and Beyond!
- Sabotaging your Keto Diet: Friday drinking and Sunday dinners.
- Starting the Keto Diet: Tips for Success!
- Keto, diabetes and cholesterol: Beyond weight loss.
- Lose Weight and Gain a Life: Keto helped me do it.
- How to do a Road Trip in Jamaica while Keto: My adventure at Eggy’s
- Dementia in Jamaica: Challenging Stigma, Responding in Love.
- My Jamaican Keto Journey AND Intermittent Fasting: A Weight Loss Success Story!
- How to Eat Keto in Jamaica: My Weight Loss Journey
- “I’m desperate to lose weight, but I have no willpower. Can Keto help?”
- Doing Keto in Jamaica: My Weight Loss Success Story
- Domestic Abuse in Jamaica: Where are the safe houses for women seeking refuge?
- Kelly’s Soapbox, and when she got kicked off it.
- In search of Poinsettias…or so I thought….
- Ever heard of Conversational Intelligence?
- Jamaica Exotic Mushrooms
- Tourist Harrassment: Not in a Vaccuum
- Millenial Apathy?
- The Link Between (Dis) Order and Crime
- Jamaica Road Trip to Belmont, Westmoreland.
- Jamaica Road Trip Saturday: Lacovia & Treasure Beach St. Elizabeth
- A fun Jamaica Vacation Itinerary…C’mon home! (Re)Visit Jamaica.
- Beige for Christmas
- …Millennial Apathy?
- The Day the Fire Hose Reel Moved by Itself…A Duppy Story
- Fixing our Garbage Problem: Executive Mandate Urgently Needed
- What if they had thrown a spear instead?
- Dear Jamaica: We have a garbage problem.
- The #ArticulateMinority: alive and kicking. Ignore us at your peril.
- “A Mother’s Reckoning” by Sue Klebold, mother of Columbine killer.
- A picture says a thousand words on behalf of the photographer and the viewer too.
- Kiting in Jamaica…A Shi++y Experience.
- Coming Clean on Toxic Thoughts…
- Sail into Tomorrow…
- Beach Apartheid In Jamaica A Polarising Force
- Road Trip to Paradise Neglected: Parottee, Jamaica
- From The Heart of a Champion to Good Governance: Making the Connection.
- Scrap Metal thieves derail internet service
- What does Independence Day Mean to You?
- The Broken Windows Theory & Policing in Jamaica: “To protect, Serve and Reassure…those who matter”
- Happy Mother’s Day…lessons I am learning, issues I am contemplating…
- The Visit: Yes We Can Clean Up Kingston (apparently!)
- “All of Jamaica (that matters) is Here” Diner en Blanc, Kingston, Jamaica.
- My dreams…
- Independence: Nothing more than a warm and fuzzy feeling at best. Remembering Tisha.
- The Day Peter Tosh challenged me. I was 9.
- The Slave Trade, Maroons, Windscreen Wipers and Reparations: I want to know.
- Bun Babylon and Challenge the status quo.
- The Ugliest Pie Ever!
- My Fondest Christmas Memories: A letter to my Family
- Justice, Truth be Ours Forever…What does Justice look like?
- Johnnie Walker and The Disappointers
- Simply Black and White… is it really?
- Happiness at Work: Why does it even matter?
- Raw Vegan Food: Beyond the Salad!
- This is harder than I thought it could ever be.
- Being effective is more important than being right!
- WHY?
- Transformation through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Lessons from Israel
- Language (Music) versus Science
- Dear Sir: (a plea for help from the Team)
- another (not so) random in-flight encounter
- Wanted: A viable, credible alternative to the PNP!
- The Next Willing Nigger.
- Vision 2030 what’s the latest?
- can’t have a clean country without the state playing its role!!!
- Productivity in Jamaica…we aren’t inherently lazy.
- Principle of Legitimacy and Crime Fighting in Jamaica
- Ruth, Friendship and Life
- Skin Hunger
- GRIT in World Cup 2014
- about things Daddy told me….
- GUEST BLOGGER: MISS WORLD! and her tale of having a cheap parent.
- when Love (opportunity) comes Knocking: The Day I shook Desmond Tutu’s Hand
- Dear Monica Lewinsky:
- Negril’s 7 Mile Beach… here today, gone tomorrow… or not…
- the Back Story
- about responding and saying sorry
- Rasta is still a problem in 2014 Jamaica?
- Why can’t I watch the Winter Olympics? Why is our murder rate so high?
- …Working my core
- less than stellar Customer Experience at Lee’s Food Fair, Red Hills Road.
- about high school graduations in Jamaica
- garbage collection and citizens associations
- about the J.P.S. Co. cries of doom and gloom!
- about the scrap metal “trade” in Jamaica
- about how we treat Jamaica
- about surviving in the Information Age
- my children: A Mother’s Reflections
- about living in Jamaica today.
- JPSCo: Customer service or mere PR stunt?
- Just be nice!
- about (some) doctors and health care in Jamaica
- Usain St. Leo Bolt, SUPERSTAR!
- “Happy Anniversary!”
- 10 more Olympic questions…
- about the London 2012 Olympics thus far…some (not so reverent) thoughts
- Workbooks? Not a great idea!
- Fun times with the kids on a budget
- Cafe Blue: The Response
- Poor Customer Service at Cafe Blue, Sovereign
- Don’t sacrifice due process for expediency
- The L Word…not Love, but Leadership.
- Hard work they had left behind with slavery.
- Here’s what I think about Great Customer Service in Jamaica
- about GSAT
- …about Good Jamaicans!
- Anger and Choices
- …about Pets!
- De-stressing in Jamaica
- “Yes, Minister!”
- Mama P tun it up! I feel like a vegan at a jerk festival.
- A few Life Lessons
- Who says low-carb has to be boring?
- My take on New Year Resolutions
- Winners and Losers from the JLP Dec. 2011 Election Campaign
- Being right isn’t enough